Doula Services

A doula is a support person for mom and dad. I am available to you throughout your pregnancy for any questions you might have. I want to see you have the birth experience you envision, therefore, we will work together to draft a manageable birth plan. All during your pregnancy and birth things are liable to change quickly, I am here to encourage you to get informed consent on any interventions that might come up. As your birth doula I will give you hands-on comfort measures during labor to help you manage your pain naturally. I will also guide your birth partner and give him ways to support you during birth as well.

  • The first step is a consultation where we get to meet one another. I learn about you, the birth you are wanting, and what you are looking for in a doula. You learn more about me and how I can best support you. It’s a stress free way to see if we are a good match.

  • During the prenatal period, I work with you to empower you and equip you with the knowledge you need to create your best pregnancy and birth. I help you understand any prenatal testing and your options. I also help you work through any anxiety and release fears you may have prior to birth.

  • I help walk you through all your birthing options to help you customize your birth preference list and build your birth plan. This is also the time when you will take the Birth Restored childbirth education class.

    Once your plan has been created, your bags are packed, and you’re prepared, I wait with you for your birthing day to arrive.

  • Once your birthing day has arrived, I will meet you during active labor to provide support. This is normally at your home. When you are ready, I will follow you to your birthing location to continue to support you physically and emotionally throughout your entire labor.

  • After your precious baby has arrived, I will stay with you for the first 1.5-2.5 hours. My goal is to help support you in the immediate postpartum. This includes helping you nurse baby, nourish yourself, dress, etc.

    About 1-2 weeks after birth, I will come visit you in your home. I will provide emotional support throughout those early days and can also support you with breastfeeding, baby wearing, and general maternal postpartum care.

Pregnancy & Labor Support Package - $1650

At this time Erin offers one standard package. This is to help maintain an affordable cost for clients while also helping prepare expecting parents as much as possible for birth. The package includes:

  • Birth Restored Childbirth Education (online or in-person)

  • Ongoing Pregnancy Support via text or phone

  • 1 Prenatal Visit

  • 24/7 On-Call Support from 38-42 Weeks Gestation

  • Labor & Birth Support (no time limit)

  • 1.5-2.5 hrs of Immediate Postnatal Support

  • 1 In-Person Postpartum Visit

*Birth Restored is required for all first births or first unmedicated, out-of-hospital births.

Prenatal Coaching

Don’t have the money to invest in a doula but want to get professional input on your birth plan? I am here to help! I will send you a “birth wish list” when you schedule your coaching session. You will fill that out and bring it to our coaching session so we can go over each item together and help you create a detailed and intentional birth plan. Some of the things we desire to happen in the birth room require some preparation. Let me highlight those things for you and help you feel as prepared as possible for birth.

120 mins Coaching Support |  $300

120 mins Coaching Support + Birth Education | $600  

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

— Philippians 4:6-7